FAQs helps the visitor find out the answers they need to buy.
It's a way to overcome their objections.
Squarespace provides clear answers to common questions.
The visitor becomes more confident the product is right for them.
So they are more likely to buy
Written testimonials are good.
Video testimonials are great.
You get a real person telling the world about how great your product is.
It's harder to fake.
Justin Welsh has a stream of video testimonials alongside his written ones.
Very powerful
Provide ways for a customer to contact you.
This makes them feel more comfortable.
Have live chat or a contact form.
Show your office location.
Nested uses their footer to show different ways you can contact them.
And legal bodies they are part of.
Many tools we use have important details on us.
So visitors are rightly cautious.
Ease their fears by showing how secure your product is.
Make it clear how you protect the user.
Use security icons.
Wise have a section dedicated to security.
Anyone can make up a testimonial and add to their site.
But a third-party review isn't so easy to game.
Build trust by pulling in reviews from:
• Trustpilot
• Twitter
• ProductHunt
Marshmellow show the 10K+ reviews they got from Trustpilot.
Awards are great for credibility.
They show you are a leader in the space.
And vetted by respected people in the space.
Showcase awards and great quotes you earn.
Yext highlight the G2 awards they won and the kind words said about them.
Having leading companies as customers, means you are credible.
Stripe promotes some of the huge brands they work with.
If you integrate with other tools, use those logos too.
The visitor already trusts those products.
So it makes it easier to use yours.
7 ways to build trust on your landing page:
1) FAQs
2) Video testimonials
3) Be Contactable
4) Emphasise Security
5) Third-Party Reviews
6) Awards
7) Social Proof - Customers