Here's 5 dead-simple tips to convert more users to customers:
A good free-to-paid conversion rate is 2-5%
Most for SaaS companies, this is 1%.
A high conversion rate is one of the main ways to make freemium sustainable.
A small increase can have a huge impact on revenue.
Here's how to improve it:
Zapier does this well.
They offer only a single zap.
This means you get some magic of the tool.
But the moment you want to do anything meaningful, you need to upgrade.
So give away some of the sauce, but only enough to get excited.
Understand the key moments in your product.
Figure out when desire the highest.
Then suggest upgrades to achieve that goal faster or easier.
Tinder does this well.
Want to know who you matched with?
Upgrade to find out.
Uses language makes the user want to learn more about the premium offer.
Seek to entice.
Don't make the user feel like they need to upgrade.
Make them want to.
Think long-term.
Spotify does this well. And gets ~15% conversion rates
The right first impression really matters with freemium.
It's your sales pitch.
If you can't get them to value quickly in a free product, why would they paid for it?
So focus on getting them to their goals quickly.
Slack has a great free vs paid sign up page.
Focus on how specific features lead to desired outcomes.
Features matter at this point.
The user understands the product.
Highlight the specific features they miss as a free user.